Tuesday 22 November 2011

A child in the womb of a mother thinks what is the world going to be? It imagines??????????                                                            As it is imagining it is first lost, it can see all blackness everywhere. Voices and screams. It doesn’t know where to go. It chooses a door through which it can see a small beam of light. That light wasn’t the good one. It was fire. It stopped at the entrance and looked around. It saw murder, hate, jealousy, anger, and some people who were ready to the bad for their survival. They were so selfish that they didn’t care for anything that happened around them. They didn’t care about the minority. It was just-me that they kept protecting.                                                                                                                                                                                          By now there were tears in the eyes of the child. It had imagined the world to be such a beautiful place to live in. But sadly it saw that there was no equality, no understanding, no concern for the environment, no respect for woman.............................
Just think are we making this world a better place to live in.............???????????????/
Make a difference we are the future...

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